Monday, 8 April 2013

Week 1: Introduction and Twitter


Video: The Machine is Us/ing Us:


  1. Enjoying content of ESMC already! The short videos and article about Twitter being a way to connect as a fundamental need of humans helps to framework the success of social media. My social media usage was once mostly Facebook, however recently I find myself more and more drawn to YouTube, TedTx's, and Blogs, and have dabbled in Twitter. The article about connecting as humans actually reminded me of a recent video by Deepak Chopra (The Rabbit Hole) that connects social networks/media with the functioning in our brains, and subsequently the evolution of our global brain.


    Like in the video we can relate successful political campaigns by President Obama and Nenshi who utilized social media to directly connect with citizens and their needs. Furthermore, information and headlines bring instant news and updates about issues and situations across the world, and now CDN astronaut, Chris Hadfield connects Twitter users to the last frontier - space.

    I truly believe that Social Media will have a significant impact on our Global Community and could be the instrument for change across many systems (economic, political, social, health).

    1. Hi wtm,
      Thanks for commenting and for the positive words re: #ESMC!
      Interesting that you've noticed a change in your online preferences...what do you think instigated your shift from FB to YouTube, Blogs and Ted?

      I wholeheartedly agree that #SM will (and has been having an) impact how we communicate and deal within various arenas (like economic etc...) Just think of how people employed twitter during super storm #Sandy and how we often see #AmberAlerts.

  2. I enjoyed "Did You Know 4.0".

    As someone who uses social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Foursquare) regularly, it's surprising how little I actually think about the people who I could be connecting with and the people I am connected with.

    Twitter has made everyday life of people around the world incredibly accessible. It's great for quick updates about events that may not work as a status on Facebook. The use of #hashtags and @ tags makes it easy for people across the world (and space as wtm pointed out with Commander Hadfield above) to come together over common interests.

    While I have a Twitter account, it is the least used of my Social Media platforms. When I do finally take a few minutes to sit down and read and get involved, I often get so involved in jumping around using the hashtags, I can spend an embarrassing amount of time on Twitter (it also happens on Wikipedia).

    All of social media, but Twitter especially, has taken the concept of a Global Community, and made it a reality. The world has been able to see just how powerful and immediate social media is, not only with the downfall of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, but also with the Israel-Palestine conflict. The Israeli Defence Force (@IDFSpokesperson) has it's own Twitter feed, and use it not only to warn citizens about possible artillery strikes, but also about the ongoing operations abroad.

    It's been amazing to watch the events of the world unfold in "real time" instead of having to wait for a newspaper to show up at your front door.

    1. Tracy I think you're spot on re: the accessibility encourage by #SM platforms and how serendipitous that link-clicking can be.
      Also the real-time aspect of social media is impressive. Often we (at least those on #SM platforms!) hear about events online first.

  3. Hi! I am sorry for joining the discussion this late. But I have always remained tuned in to the ESMC reading material and videos. I have enjoyed them all and "Did you know" in particular. It made me reflect on the depth of our dependence on social media. And Commander Hadfield took the use of social media to the next level all together by posting the updates of his space mission on Twitter and Youtube, regularly. However, it wasn't just him. The Canadian and American rowers who attempted to cross the Atlantic but failed to do so, were keeping their followers connected all the time.

    This latest development shows how indispensable this medium has become in our lives. We need our contsatnt dose of updates instantly. And the mobile phone, as pointed out in "Did you know" is just working as a fuel. As Tracy rightly pointed out, we need to see the events unfold in "real time". And that is exactly what the people like Astronaut Hadfield are doing. It's amazing to see that despite being busy on such an important space mission, he would make time to tweet and keep the world connected with his work. This shows how important Twitter has become now.

    However, having said that, I miss the old days where we would wait for the newspaper to arrive in the morning and enjoy steaming coffee/tea with 'hot' news. Our comfort with the text on paper and that routine of simplicity is getting lost in our temptation to stay updated instantly. Well, whether it's good or bad, the two sides of this coin remain open to discussion.

