Saturday 11 May 2013

Social Media Infographic

Given the great discussions that have evolved in line with Week 4's lecture, I thought you'd all find this infographic on social media use of interest:

Infographic from here.


  1. I wonder how they measure "engagement". For example, a shorter tweet gets 17% more "engagement", but there is also less scope for content, with less characters in the tweet.

    More engagement, but less content communication. I wonder where the tradeoff is?

  2. Have you ever read a book called "How to Lie with Statistics"? It was a very interesting book and your comment made me think of it.

    1. I haven't read the specific book, but am fairly familiar with the general idea. I actually am a statistician (or data analyst as some prefer to say) by profession. The social media business world does seem to favour sprinkling random factoids, often not very well sourced, and with vague meanings, in its communications.

      Not that I am entirely immune to that temptation myself.

  3. I am amazed at how important blogs are for both BtoB and BtoC companies.
    BtoBs with blogging generate 67% more leads per month over those that do not blog;
    61% of online consumers made a purchase based on a blog recommendation.
    Both those statistics have huge implications for a company's bottom line and allocation of resources for lead generation.
