Monday 27 May 2013

Week 8: Optimised News Release


  1. I was intrigued by the Facebook Lexicon tool. And then was disappointed to see they had removed it (
    As a page admin, I enjoy all of the analytics Facebook gives me access to, but I wish I would have been an admin at the time of Lexicon. Or I wish they would bring it back.
    Optimizing news releases again sounds a lot like writing a short brief or teaser for a newspaper. Use specific words. Get the idea as short and snappy as you can.

  2. I have to admit, my first run at this hasn't been easy. It was a news release by Publishers Weekly about Amazon's ebook vs print book sales from earlier this year. Maybe the material was just to dry and matter of fact, or maybe the journalist who wrote it was doing SEO already, because it seemed hard to improve upon.

    Similarly to the Facebook Lexicon tool being gone, Wordtracker seems to have gone from free to subscription and Google Insights has been incorporated into Google Trends. So, these things change fast.

  3. Hi! I too have been trying to grasp this final project and would love to see what others are submitting. Glad I am not the only one.

  4. Hi Everyone,
    I'm looking forward to seeing your creations but how about checking out what students did last year? Here is the course blog and you'll see some optimised news releases at the top of the blog:

  5. Thanks Jess! I think I figured it out and was happy to see that what I put together seemed to relate to those from last years class. Please check out my final project.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful summer!

  6. I think my optimized version of the news release on the blog post is addressing this optimization notion (blog post entitled "Optimized News Release - Amazon growth (Publisher's Weekly)" on the blog:

    I also posted a new blog entry on my Dodecahedron Books blog that some might find interesting (Imagine that you had a Magic Wine Glass):

  7. Hope you all got my post. Don't seem to find it here.


  8. Trina, it's on the main blog. I see it!

  9. Ya, I found it. Thanks, Dr. Laccetti!

  10. I seem to be having some technical difficulties - Internet Explorer is not my friend. Let's try to post this again for the fourth time....
